2 yrs – Pre-K – Rob II

2 yrs – Pre-K – Rob II

Our newly renovated facility offers a learning environment that fosters children’s social, emotional, physical, and cognitive development. Our classrooms are large, and very well equipped. Children in our classrooms are stimulated in their creative abilities and encouraged to be self-confident. Please take a tour by clicking on the age group that you are interested in. You will see pictures and a brief description of that area of our center.

Choose a facility

  • Two-Year-Olds
  • Three-Year-Olds
  • Pre-Kindergarten
  • Cafeteria
  • Pre-School Playground
  • Toddler and Two Playground

Two Year Olds

Preschool is such an exciting time of learning and growing. The children explode with new skills and abilities. Each of our classrooms contains centers which include a dramatic play area, library, manipulatives, arts and crafts, blocks and transportation, and a separate circle time area. We have multiple classrooms for each age group which allows us to keep each child in a classroom with students whose birthdays are typically no more than 3 months apart. This is very important for preschool children as 9-12 months can mean a great deal in the development of a young child.

Three Year Olds

Preschool is such an exciting time of learning and growing. The children explode with new skills and abilities. Each of our classrooms contains centers which include a dramatic play area, library, manipulatives, arts and crafts, blocks and transportation, and a separate circle time area. We have multiple classrooms for each age group which allows us to keep each child in a classroom with students whose birthdays are typically no more than 3 months apart. This is very important for preschool children as 9-12 months can mean a great deal in the development of a young child.


Pre-Kindergarten is a year when they are broadening their skills that will be necessary for Kindergarten. Our teachers ensure that each child is ready for that all important foundational year of Kindergarten. Each of our classrooms contains centers which include a dramatic play area, library, manipulatives, arts and crafts, blocks and transportation, and a separate circle time area. We have multiple classrooms for each age group which allows us to keep each child in a classroom with students whose birthdays are typically no more than 3 months apart. This is very important for preschool children as 9-12 months can mean a great deal in the development of a young child.


Our cafeterias are designed to provide a pleasant dining experience for each of our children. Our cooks provide home made meals which are prepared daily. The food is delicious!

Pre-School Playground

We are concerned about the health and growth of our preschool children and have provided them with a large playground and lots of age appropriate equipment. We also have an indoor playground for those bad weather days!

Toddler and Two Playground

Our playground is full of equipment that is age-appropriate and allows our toddler and two year old children to develop their gross motor skills while having lots of fun.

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