Enrollment and Fees

Tution & Fees

You may drop off your child at any time, day or night. We are open 24 hours per day, seven days a week.

Drop-In fees: CASH ONLY

  • Infant to 23 months old: $8.50 / hour
  • 2 years old and up: $7.50 / hour

You are required to leave $30.00 refundable deposit (add $20.00 per additional child). If your total due is less than the deposit, we will give change. If it is more, you will responsible for the difference.

Any 5 days of the week you choose (Sunday – Saturday), up to 12 hours per day.

Enrollment Fee: $20.00 per child
Weekly fees based on Child’s Age:

  • 6 weeks to 17 months: $200.00/wk
  • 18 months to 35 months: $180.00/wk
  • 3 years and up: $165.00/wk

*We offer a 5% discount to all parents who agree to setup an automatic withdrawal through a checking account or credit card.

Tuition includes five days of care, up to 12 hours per day.

Academic Fee: $165.00/wk  (all grades)
Yearly Supply Fee:

  • Kindergarten thru 1st Grade: $40.00

Please note all Kindergarten students must turn five years of age by September 1st.

Part-Time fees: $120.00/wk

This fee is good no earlier than 6am for drop off services, and after school until 8:30 p.m., Monday – Friday (NO Weekends). This is only available to school age children attending public or private school. Part-Time fees are available during the school calendar year and ISD holidays are excluded. Part-Time Care includes your child being dropped off and/or picked up from his or her school.

You may bring your child in as early as 6:00 a.m. for drop-off service to a participating school. Please note your child must be picked up by 8:30 p.m. or Drop-In Care charges will apply thereafter.

Enrollment Form

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